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Comments from past clients:

The effect our work had on me was very profound. I cannot recommend Jenny highly enough

I found Jenny's genuineness and experience invaluable and would highly recommend her.

I would not be in the relationship I am in if it wasn't for working with Jenny. I was able to understand what had gone wrong in my past relationship and leave it behind and be myself. ​​

After counselling I feel totally different. I feel back to normal and I feel like me.

I am close to my partner and we talk more now.

I have learnt not too take things too seriously and I am much happier.

I have learnt that I don't need to be in control of eveything!

You helped me get my ducks back in a row!

I was unsure about counselling but Jenny put me at my ease and I found it easier than I expected. It has changed my life.

The fact Jenny is so experienced really helped.

I found that things made sense when let out because it's jumbled up until you let it out. When you do let it out in counselling you can see things more clearly and it makes more sense. It's transformed how I feel about everything.

I have found just talking to Jenny has enabled me to mentally clarify my concerns and move forward.

We got our adult son back, he talks to us now.

I couldn't imagine myself ever getting out from under this black cloud. It wasn't easy but Jenny really helped. 

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